Wednesday 28 September 2011

The Job Hunt: A Game of Statistics.

I have officially been on the job hunt for a week and a half now, making a full time job of it and really trying to get results as soon as possible. It’s hard work though. That I can think of, there are 3 main methods of applying for jobs:

1) Using the people you know and nabbing a job off them; by far one of the most effective forms of job attainment.
2) Trawling through the papers/online and applying for advertised positions. 
3) Sending your CV out speculatively and hoping for a stroke of luck.

Due to an embarrassingly limited network, Option 1 is limited for me. Option 2 is always good, but then they say that about 70% of jobs aren’t advertised. And I find that the right jobs are only really every advertised every other week or so. That leaves Option 3 as my go-to method. I think I’m off to a good start – probably contacted about 30 people so far. I’ve been surprised by the amount of responses I’ve had, probably about half… I mean they’re not positive responses but at least people are actually replying to me (I was expecting a sea of silence).

So I thought I would look up the numbers on job applications and recruitment. A brief glance online, and it would seem that the average person can send about 50-100 applications off (speculatively that is) and get about 3-10 interviews from that, and then maybe get 1 firm job offer. Add to that the fact that I am a graduate with limited experience in a depressed job market, and I’m going to assume that I should double those odds. But then, I don’t know, maybe my masters will give me a bit of an advantage. So that’s basically about 150 speculative applications that I need to send off.

I’m sorry I just need a minute to let that soak in… and have a bit of a cry.

OK, OK, well I mean that’s alright? I mean after a week of research, I’ve sent 30 off in a couple days. Got 12 responses in all, of which 1 and ½ are actually potentially useful. I just need to keep them coming. I’m going to play those statistics like a dog chasing its own tail. And yes, it feels like that sometimes, going round and round in circles that is. At the rate I’m going, I could have my 150 applications out in about a month, and I will just have to see how far that gets me. And who knows, I may beat those statistics! Positive thinking right… 

The question is: how do you keep your head held high after endless rejections? 'Hope' is a good start. I'll see how far that gets me. 

1 comment:

  1. Option 4 - walking the streets wearing a sandwich board. Not there yet!
